Friday, 24 February 2012


The very event that gave us the awesome Samsung Galaxy S2 last year is just around the corner once again as Barcelona hosts the world biggest mobile phone show from the 27th February to 1st March. We were all waiting in anticipation for Samsungs next Android beast but as they mentioned a few weeks ago, they won't be showing off or revealing the Galaxy S3 at the show. This means we will have to wait longer to see what the new Galaxy looks like but Samsung will no doubt have other new phones to shout out about at the show. Asus of Eeepad Transformer fame have also released a short teaser video promising "Twice the details, twice the fun" which points to a high resolution tablet display.

Asus have been hitting gold with their Transformer tablet range so maybe we will see a whole new device. Also, fans of Android will be happy to know that a whole host of Ice Cream Sandwich phones and tablets will be revealed, making your Android options even bigger! Some new Windows Phone devices are also expected to be revealed. As the trend in recent years seems to be crazy specs, a lot of quad core processor sporting phones will be there. In terms of how many surprises we see, it's not looking good as we all have a good idea of what manufacturers want to show off and Samsung have added to that with the omission of the Galaxy S3.

The event kicks off next week and we will have coverage of all the big news and reviews of the new mobile phones that you might be considering come upgrade time this year. Stay tuned!


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